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Bowl benefits include tilt control, suction base, dishwasher safety, base separation, and more.




I have been a registered nurse since 2010 working in long-term care, rehab, and hospice facilities. Over the years, I have seen people struggle while they are eating in many ways. Have you ever been eating cereal or soup, and you can’t get a full spoonful when you are getting to the end of your meal? You find yourself picking up your bowl or tilting it in some way to get everything. I know I do. I thought, how do individuals who suffer from a stroke or Parkinson’s disease do this? I’ve seen people lose their dignity and get embarrassed at the dining room table. Spilling things and knocking things over. They end up choosing to eat in their room, secluding themselves and not socializing. Or they simply only eat half because it’s too difficult to get to the rest. Well, with this design, the KickstandBowl will remain stationary. It will also adjust to different tilting positions so that someone can get to everything in the bowl and be able to get a full spoonful every time. And this can all be done using only one hand! Read More